The Order of the Squirrel was founded on Friday the 13th of November, during the darkest days of the 2020 Pandemic. Three CCB cohorts who had shared a 40+ year professional and personal friendship throughout their county conservation careers conjured-up the concept as the Pandemic had curtailed all meetings and gatherings - prohibiting essential socialization. So, a Zoom Cocktail Hour was organized for December 17, 2020.......and the rest is history! (additional documentation below)
The Order of the Squirrel was founded on Friday the 13th of November, during the darkest days of the 2020 Pandemic. Three CCB cohorts who had shared a 40+ year professional and personal friendship throughout their county conservation careers conjured-up the concept as the Pandemic had curtailed all meetings and gatherings - prohibiting essential socialization. So, a Zoom Cocktail Hour was organized for December 17, 2020.......and the rest is history! (additional documentation below)
additional historical information
FROM THE ORIGINAL "FOUNDING" EMAIL COMMUNICATION: (From Hazelton to Heissel and Kean - Friday, November 13, 2020) - "Born of the 2020 COVID Pandemic, Iowa Derecho, and of all things 2020'd - in tandem with the need to retain engagement our CCB alumni brethren - I invite you two to join me to form the trio of founding fathers of the ICCS Order of the Squirrel! No bylaws, no rules, no dues - just a serious amount of collective natural resources and CCB knowledge that need not disappear when everyone crosses the gravy bridge to IPERS! Why, we three Founding Gents can tout a mere total of 118 years of talent to get this upstart CCB Division rolling! Think about it - the possibility of this transcending our current active involvement with our CCB system, and providing an organized platform for current "Undergraduate" CCB Leaders to network & engage with living historical archives! (Which, of course - will be us in the not too distant future!) Sure, the BEST PRACTICES system serves us fine.....but bouncing questions off hundreds of years of knowledge could be far superior. Not to mention - it provides some structure for a CCB Alumni Organization, eh?
Why the "Squirrel" you ask? Back in May, as I was purging much of the voluminous junk paper archives - a small packet of membership decals (circa 1959) fell out of a file. Recently I spent the better part of 4 hours in Photoshop restoring the much damaged logo above. Me suspects that this is actually the very, very FIRST logo of the IACCB, predating even the one below....long thought to be the original. Soooo.....ya with me?? Tommy "
Why the "Squirrel" you ask? Back in May, as I was purging much of the voluminous junk paper archives - a small packet of membership decals (circa 1959) fell out of a file. Recently I spent the better part of 4 hours in Photoshop restoring the much damaged logo above. Me suspects that this is actually the very, very FIRST logo of the IACCB, predating even the one below....long thought to be the original. Soooo.....ya with me?? Tommy "
(Dave Olson, Tom Hazelton, Denise Straw, Dan Biechler, Denny Lewiston, Russ Glime, Steve Lekwa, Milt Owen, Daryl Parker, Mark Wagner, Vern Fish, Rhett Leonard, Denny Sohl, Robert Walker, Don Brazelton, Bob Etzel, Brian Holt and Jeanne Baugous)
(Dan Heissel, Tom Hazelton, Roger Kean, Dennis Goemaat, Mark Shoemaker, Scott Nelson, Matt Cosgrove, Brian Lammers and the venerable Robert Walker!)