Throughout the history of Iowa's County Conservation System, we have had the fortune to self-evolve these important divisions in order to fill critical niches. You are invited to click on the Web Page/Site links below to learn more about these associations and to find contact information for their leadership teams.
IOWA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY CONSERVATION BOARD EMPLOYEES (IACCBE) - Established in 1974, IACCBE is an organization composed of ALL county conservation board staff, including Directors - with the purpose of providing a forum to encourage statewide networking and cooperation among all employees. IACCBE encourages statewide programs of conservation and the self-betterment of the professional abilities of members. (No membership required - 2019 membership at 645 personnel)
COUNTY CONSERVATION DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION (CCDA) - Established in 1971 - the CCDA is composed of County Conservation Board Executive Directors, and strives to increase the professionalism of directors through educational programs & retreats; represent county conservation as the official ISAC Affiliate organization; and serve as a legislative conduit along with IACCB to the Iowa Legislature. (The CCDA is a membership organization with 64 participating members in 2019)
COUNTY CONSERVATION PEACE OFFICERS ASSOC. OF IOWA (CCPOA) - An organization composed of county conservation law enforcement personnel - formed in 1985 to provide continuing education programs, increased professionalism and networking opportunities within the CCB peace officer community. (Membership organization with 158 members from 64 county conservation boards) WEBSITE HERE
IOWA ASSOCIATION OF NATURALISTS (IAN) - Formed in 1978 - an organization composed of county conservation board and non-conservation board interpreters and educators. The Association strives to improve communication between and increase professionalism of its members. (A membership organization with 150 members in 2019) WEBSITE HERE
ASSOCIATION FOR INTEGRATED ROADSIDE MANAGERS (AFIRM) - The newest CCB affiliate association, established in 1992 to provide organization to the expanding roadside vegetation management organization in Iowa. AFIRM orchestrates a couple of training opportunities each year and provides industry updates and networking for its membership. AFIRM works closely with the IVRM Program at the University of Northern Iowa. (20179AFIRM Membership consists of approximately 50 representatives from CCBs and County Secondary Road Departments)